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Upcoming Opportunities & Events

Check this page for updates, as we work to connect dancers with more opportunities.

Fling Together Collective events are supported via donations to our organization.

Beyond our costs, proceeds from our events are donated to support community initiatives and scholarship opportunities.


Coo-lifornia Dreaming


Virtually race up the California Coast in this interactive fitness & practice challenge powered by Racery. Anyone (dancers, parents, supporters, friends) from anywhere in the world is welcome to join! We are teaming up with USIR 2025 to get a little preview of the scenic California coast- which is an easy drive from the host location in Santa Clara! Donations to this event will benefit both USIR 2025 and the Fling Together Scholarship fund.


Ask an Expert

A follow up to the Tattoo & Performance Panel

This video series digs a bit deeper into the questions we received for the Tattoo & Performance Panel. Episodes are available on our Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube. 

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Fling Together Development Team

This Fling Together Collective Initiative aims to help North American highland dancers prepare for and connect with performance opportunities. 


Applications Closed for 2024

Keep an eye out for our 2024 recipient announcements and visit the scholarship page to learn how you can apply in 2025.

Follow our Social Channels:
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
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