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Choreography & Performance

with Rachel McLagan of Flings & Things

5 November 2023 @ 3pm EST (New York) on Zoom

Want to learn what it takes to be a successful performer and really shine on stage? Join us for a master class with Rachel McLagan, director of Flings & Things. This free zoom class will begin with a 15 min lecture addressing pre-submitted questions from dancers about performance and conclude with a chance to learn an innovative choreography! The live class will take place on 5 November at 3 pm EST (New York). A recording will be available after the class. FTDT members are automatically registered. Highland dancers worldwide are welcome to register for this workshop using the link below.


Need help figuring out the correct time for your time zone? Try A recording will be available after the live session.

This class is being offered by donation benefitting the Fling Together Scholarship Program. 

Through this program we will be offering two scholarships per year to dancers participating in unpaid highland dance professional performance and tattoo opportunities. To learn more visit our scholarship page.

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